Cheese City USA
Get the FREE Cheese Passport to Green County Swiss-consin and start earning points for prizes! Now thru August 4, 2024.
Sip, savor, and shop all around the downtown Square. Sample the best of the season at a farmer's market. Enjoy a gallery exhibit or an outdoor concert. Bike or ATV. Picnic in a park. Shop til you drop. Discover cafes and authentic ethnic eateries. Find out how malt and hops are transformed into beer, and how milk turns into cheese. Choose your favorites of both to take along and enjoy at home.
Highlights: Tours - cheese, beer, and distillery. Museums, art center, parks and trails.
Downtown: Historic Downtown Square and shopping, Green County Courthouse (open to visitors), restaurants, movie theatre.
Around Town and Nearby: Parks, shopping, dining, bowling alley, swimming pool, ATV and bike trails. Outdoor movie theatre. Medical clinic and hospital.